A documentary about the body part most associated with manhood and what happens when that's taken away.
Our society imbues a man's testicles with the constructs of masculinity, sexuality, virility, and overall male-hood. So what happens when a man is faced with losing one or both?
There are four main incidents that can lead a man to be faced with the removal of a ball - testicular cancer, torsion, an infection, or gender reassignment.
The decision to replace or not replace, options of prosthetic, dating and disclosure, parenthood possibilities, and the psychology surrounding moving forward without feeling emasculated make Balls well rounded, talk-worthy, and shareable.


I like that we're getting to a point where we can talk about our anatomy openly. Testicular cancer is currently the most common cancer in males between 15 and 34. But we just can't seem to talk about them. This feature is good to help shatter some of the hysteria surrounding our fear of discussing the health of our genitals. Check your sack, fellas; it could save your life.