Next week I’ll be heading to Albuquerque, New Mexico for GRL (the Gay Romance Lit conference) to meet up with authors, publishers and readers of gay romance. What may be surprising for a lot of people (but not those who have attended a Gay Romance Lit event!) is that the majority of gay romance readers, writers and publishers are women. Yup, true fact!
This year in addition to attending GRL as an audiobook narrator and producer, I’ll be bringing a small camera crew to make a documentary episode of the OUTspoken series that I produce for OUTtv Canada. I’m excited and intrigued to find out why so many women (predominantly straight women) are gaga about gay romance books.
As an audiobook narrator, working with authors, agents and publishing houses directly to bring their books to life has been a real joy for me. I’ve always loved reading and now having the opportunity to produce audiobooks is such a dream job. I used to watch my father go to work everyday in a suit and tie. As a child, I never would have guessed that my career would allow me to work from a home studio.
If you’d like to discuss hiring me for your audiobook production, contact me. You may read my reviews on Audible to see how listeners appreciate our productions.
Charlie David is an award-winning professional narrator with over 60 produced titles. AURAL FIXATION 2018 BEST ROMANCE AUDIOBOOK SERIES – The Confessions series by Ella Frank

Audiobook Narrator Production Rates
My current rate of $350 USD/per finished hour is posted on my ACX audiobook narrator profiles. This includes an initial consultation with author/publisher usually by way of providing story and character information, production timeline and contracting info.
Once production begins you’ll receive chapter by chapter proofs, one round of editing based on your time-coded requests and final mastered files with guaranteed approval through ACX Quality Control so your book baby can meet its excited audience on all audio platforms of your choosing. You may read my reviews on Audible to see how listeners appreciate our productions.
As an audiobook narrator I’m open to books in all genres. I’ve recorded inspirational books, business books, university course support guides, and novels. My sweet spot so far has been romance. If you have a project you’d like to inquire about hiring me for, it’s as simple as making a direct offer to me through my ACX profile or sending an email.